
Is animation a successful career?

  As technology advances and becomes more sophisticated, the need for talented animators is growing, which makes it a lucrative and rewarding career. With the ever-growing need for appealing and visually appealing content in various sectors, the job of animators is gaining importance. Take advantage of the top animation courses in Kolkata  and build the most of your career as an animator. The Rise of Animation: A Growing Industry The field of animation has grown beyond its initial roots in entertainment into an incredibly broad field that has applications for gaming, education advertising, gaming, and many more. The growing dependence on digital media has pushed the demand for talented animators to a new level. Companies are seeking skilled professionals who can liven up images and create captivating and immersive experiences for their viewers. Animation in Kolkata: A Hub of Opportunities Kolkata, a city that is known for its rich heritage, is now an important destination for those who

Is It Important For An SEO To Be A Good Content Writer?

  SEO and content writing are two different fields in Digital Marketing. If you are into digital marketing, you need to handle both SEO and content writing to get your online business to reach new heights of success. Both the ingredients are essential to make your digital marketing strategy work. What is SEO, and how it works? SEO or Search Engine Optimization is a process to get your website rank on a search engine for the desired keyword. Being a top  SEO company in Kolkata , we can say that your website is of no use if you do not get it on the top of search results. For instance, if you own a website that deals in cosmetic products, you must get it rank for keywords like lipstick, nail paint, cosmetic item shop, etc. It will help you improve your website visibility are target direct customers who are genuinely interested in the products you sell. When you create a website, you need to keep in mind that the website is SEO optimized. The content created for the website must be SEO fri

Does Duplicate Content Hurt SEO Of Your Website?

  It is obviously not normal for content to appear on various websites. Though the website with the same content has the same products or services to display, the way of presentation and their thought process must be different. Both the company owners have their point of view, so they need to have a specific way of writing and tone of voice to create brand awareness. And  content plays a vital part  that any business owner cannot avoid. What is Duplicate Content? Any content that is developed in more than one place on the internet is considered duplicate content. So if you observe the same content in two or more websites, count it as duplicate. There are also situations where the same content might appear inside various pages within the same website. Such content also comes below duplicate content as Google gets doubtful about which page to rank on SERPs. In other words, Duplicate content is content that is alike or precise copies of content on other websites or various pages on the sa

Digital Marketing Strategies That MSMEs Can Use In 2021

  In this world of technology, the internet has forever changed the marketing landscape. Consumers have been given more options and greater authority. This results in marketers constantly refining their marketing strategies. The right digital marketing strategies delivered by the  best digital marketing company in Kolkata  can help organizations of all sizes become successful. There is a common misconception that digital marketing strategies are for big businesses of top brands. This is far from the truth as the correct digital marketing strategies can help Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises [MSMEs] getting a higher rate of return with a low cost of input. What is Digital Marketing? It is a form of online marketing where you want to grow your business through various marketing techniques and increase sales. It is the most used marketing strategy, and the business has shifted its way of marketing from traditional to digital. Nowadays, the owners, instead of using flyers, banners,

7 Effective Content Writing Skills You Must Know!

Service:   Content Writing Marketing and branding professionals are always on the search for various ways to captivate the attention of their target audience. However, with experience, the audience has become smarter. With so much content available on television and ads, people have become unexcited and unresponsive because of extreme promotion. You must have heard this thousand times; instead of reiterating the same old techniques, marketers need to provide their target audience something new and relevant today. Why is content important? Content is as vital as the design and graphics of your website because it prompts search engine results, boosts traffic to your page, and builds your company as an industry leader. And in today's content market, both quality and quantity describe your knowledge to deliver content for business results. That's where the professional content writers at DotCreative come in. Our expert content writers have an in-depth understanding of B2B and techn

How To Do Keyword Research For SEO In 2021?

Keywords are the basis of SEO. If no one is exploring what you're writing about, you will not get traffic from Google under any circumstance, even if you try hard. That is why  DotCreative  wrote this blog. It informs you of a proven keyword research core that you can readily modify for your website and goals. We applied the same structure to improve our blog traffic in just a few years.  Good keyword research enables you to reveal the terms, phrases, questions, and answers significant to your users or customers and necessary to achieve your goals and find the keywords getting more pageviews, capturing leads, or selling products and services. Keyword research initiates you to develop efficient strategies for developing or increasing your content to obtain higher rankings and rank on a wider variety of terms to get more relevant organic traffic to your site ultimately. Why is keyword research important? Keyword research is an exclusive way to find out what people are searching into

What Is Google Search Console And How It Affects SEO Of The Website?

Google Search Console  is a web service of Google that allows webmasters to review indexing status and optimize the visibility of the websites. Until May 20, 2015, this service was called Google Webmaster Tools. However, in January 2018, Google launched a newer version of the search console, changing the user interface. In September of 2019, old Search Console records were eliminated, including the home and dashboard pages. But what is it, exactly? It's a communication channel:  Search Console accounts are the primary and official way through which Google interacts with individual website owners. Google can send webmasters information about site issues, errors, or even penalties by having a registered account. It also gives some limited tools to allow you to contact them about site problems and feature demands. It's a control center:  If you continually optimize your website, you realize that SEO is never concluded. You need to be constantly updating your content, polishing you

13 Best Social Media Sites For Businesses In 2021

With the impact of coronavirus in 2019, the market and business have almost come to a halt. So it is when digital marketing grew tremendously, and social media, along with entertainment purposes, is widely used for marketing and business as well. Social media marketing is a form of digital marketing where using different social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc., the business advertises its products and services and communicates with the potential customers. But the social media marketing is not only limited to Facebook and Instagram; there are other platforms that you must not ignore as it is suitable for backlinking and drives traffic to your website. Being a leading  social media marketing company in Kolkata , we are here to mention 14 social media sites that you must not ignore to grow your online business. Facebook : With monthly active users of about 2.7 billion, Facebook is the biggest social media platform that can be used for Engaging your aud