Is animation a successful career?

  As technology advances and becomes more sophisticated, the need for talented animators is growing, which makes it a lucrative and rewarding career. With the ever-growing need for appealing and visually appealing content in various sectors, the job of animators is gaining importance. Take advantage of the top animation courses in Kolkata  and build the most of your career as an animator. The Rise of Animation: A Growing Industry The field of animation has grown beyond its initial roots in entertainment into an incredibly broad field that has applications for gaming, education advertising, gaming, and many more. The growing dependence on digital media has pushed the demand for talented animators to a new level. Companies are seeking skilled professionals who can liven up images and create captivating and immersive experiences for their viewers. Animation in Kolkata: A Hub of Opportunities Kolkata, a city that is known for its rich heritage, is now an important destination for ...

How Exactly Does SEO Works? | DotCreative

How exactly does SEO works?

Most of the business who wants to shift their business online are always confused with the term SEO. From being a leading SEO agency, we have heard of such queries from most of our clients. They always ask what is SEO, how SEO works, and what is the importance of SEO?

We are back with this burning topic to discuss how SEO services can benefit your online business and help you target your potential customers.

But before we move on to our discussion, we want to ask you a simple question. What did you search on any search engine that made you come across this blog? You are here because you want to know how SEO works; maybe you got to read our blog on social media or searched for how SEO works or related keywords, and you found this blog.

The second way we assumed is technically described as SEO. Here when a user searches for certain terms, search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Bing works and displays some relevant results matching the query.

Now you must have some idea about search engine optimization. Let us technically define SEO, which may help you to improve your SEO strategy.

SEO is an acronym for Search Engine Optimization that improves a website's Google rankings or precisely search engine rankings. It helps you gain more website traffic because you are optimizing your site in accordance with the SEO guidelines.

Technically speaking, SEO is a process of optimizing a website with proper keyword research, link building, content marketing, and technical SEO. Here you not only need to focus on keywords stuffing; instead, you have to check after the design, content, and user experience to rank a web page of your site.

There are basically two types of SEO, organic SEO or PPC(pay per click), but PPC basically comes under Google ADs where your website ranks for the amount you pay. We are here discussing the benefits of SEO that benefit organic search results. Read our blog post SEO v/s Google Ads- the better marketing option, to distinguish your marketing plan in the coming future.

After understanding the basics of SEO, now let us come to how SEO works?

You being a website owner, post a piece of content on your website; keeping other factors aside, the crawlers and spiders will crawl your web page and save the complete data in their big database. When a user searches for the keyword you worked on, these crawlers will again from the database search for the most relevant site and display it on the first page.

Basically, SEO works on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and has no human mind. So it cannot read the content like humans, and you need to use the keywords correctly to trace it. There are some technical places where you should manually fit the keywords you want to rank for with coding.

You should carefully use the keywords in meta titles, descriptions, alt tags, title tags, and image names for the crawlers to easily track your website details. But when we say; keywords stuffing, we never mean you can just repeat the keywords in your content that means nothing; it can penalize you. You need to be informative as great content provides better SEO.

Using the keywords above three percent of the total text quantity can penalize you as it is against the SEO guidelines. Instead of ranking good, you may lose your current spot too. Be careful while framing your content, as it can either grow your brand visibility or break your brand's identity.

Apart from the content, there are many other factors that you need to keep in mind while building a website. Some of those factors that determine the results on SERPs are mentioned below.

Link building: An important factor in improving your rankings is link building. You need to focus on getting do-follow links from different websites with decent authority scores and are not marked as spam in search engines' eyes. Try to get links from '.edu,' '.gov,' '.org,' as these are the most trusted links for any search engine which will improve your rankings.

You should also focus on internal link building, which means you should internally link your website's pages with each other.

  • UX design: It is a factor where you need to focus on user experience; here comes the work of graphics. The user visiting your website must find your website to be appealing, which makes them stay on it for the long term. If your website is not UX friendly, then your visitors will leave the page quickly, which affects the SEO of the page adversely.
  • Responsiveness: When you build a website, the primary criteria you should not avoid is the website's responsiveness. Your website must be compatible with all the screen sizes, be it desktop, tablet, or mobile devices, the website must automatically adjust itself as per the screen size. When your website is not responsive or mobile-friendly, you provide a bad user experience to many potential customers who might be searching for you using mobile phones.
  • Voice search: Nobody wants to type for their queries; instead, they search it using their voices. You must have your website that is optimized for voice search. It is a basic feature that most customers want to use when scrolling a website. If you do not have a voice search feature, you would again lose healthy customers because they do not have time to search for the products or services by typing for it.
  • Schema mark up- It is a part of technical SEO where you need to maintain a proper hierarchy while framing content. You need to use the main focused keyword in H1, followed by H2, H3, and so on. You should also implement the keywords in the page title, meta description, and alt tags. When you follow this pattern, it becomes easy for users to search for the content of their use. in return, Google likes those who care for their users; hence it will automatically upgrade your ranks on your targeted keywords.
  • Local SEO: When you focus on SEO, the initial step you need to take is to focus on local SEO. You need to target customers in your locality first, then move on to the city, state, country, and finally rule globally. For instance- if you have a shoe shop in Kolkata, initially, you should focus on customers of Kolkata, then India, and then the world. Following this process will give you more leads in a short period. If you target a larger market in the initial days, it becomes quite difficult to rank on it. So choose a market that has less competition and more business to improve your ROI.
  • Authority score: It is the score that the search engines give based on your domain age, backlinks quality, engagement rate, and others. You just need to try and improve your domain and page authority score to improve your ranks on search engine result pages.
  • Social media links: You must link your social media profiles to your website. Though it directly does not affect the SEO of your site when you link your social profiles, it displays the genuineness of your company as you are well established on all the social media platforms. So you cannot avoid the fact; you are optimizing your website for better brand engagements, so you must have a valid link to social media to get more reliability in the eye of your potential customers as well as Google.

After reading this blog, you must be sure you cannot ignore SEO if you have a website. Now comes the turn to choose a professional who can technically do the relevant research and make your website rank better. Here are five tips to choose a reliable SEO company that will help you choose the executive to handle your company's SEO.

DotCreative is a top SEO company in Kolkata, India, that knows the importance of the budget you invest in your business. We take the nominal service charge to improve your Google rankings. For SEO services or any queries related to SEO, you can email us at or call us on 7980358244.

We believe in growing your business with every effort that we can to make you dominate the online market and keep you ahead of your competitors to give you genuine traffic and ultimately higher sales conversion.


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